
Urgent Passover 5780

Donation campaign until April 16, 2020

Fund raising :
Kim'ha Depis'ha
To eat for

In Aramaic it literally means "Passover flour".

Some time before Passover, a loving father said to his son:
- I miss your family! Come and celebrate Passover with your mother and me.
- But father, I can't afford it! I have to buy plane tickets and new clothes for everyone.
- Don't worry, buy the tickets and everything you need, and keep all the receipts well, I'll make you a check when you arrive. I ask you only one thing: your brother is not independent, take him with you and take care of him.
- Good father, we will come!

Thereupon the son booked the trip, took his wife and children and took them to buy the best clothes, the best shoes and valuable toys in the biggest stores.

Dressed in their beautiful attire, they arrived at the father's, and the son asked him what he considered to be his due. But to his dismay the father saw that his other son wore only old worn clothes and had empty hands.
- My son, why is your brother so badly dressed? hadn't i asked you to take care of him? Why did you leave him in such an outfit? I told you to take care of your brother. But you did not respect your part of the contract. I cannot therefore accede to your request.

So is our situation in Passover, and so is that of our brothers and sisters. Hashem wants us to take care of each other, and so He will take care of us in His great mercy.

If Passover is the commemoration of the great miracles that Hashem did to free us from slavery in Egypt and make us a people, it is also the holiday that symbolizes reparation linked to money. It is the time of the year when everyone, according to their means, must know how to show solidarity. Thus will come very quickly, let us wish it B'H ', the final deliverance. Amen
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